Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2008

Indoor Localization Using Camera Phones

"[...] the feasibility of determining user’s location based on the camera images received from a smart phone. In our system, the smart phone is worn by the user as a pendant and images are periodically captured and transmitted over GPRS to a web server [...]"

Sekai Camera

Objekterkennung und Taggen per Handy-Kamera

Deep Photo

Deep Photo: Model-Based Photograph Enhancement and Viewing

Abstract: [...] novel system for browsing, enhancing, and manipulating casual outdoor photographs by combining them with already existing georeferenced digital terrain and urban models. [...] an abundance of information, such as depth, texture, and GIS data, becomes immediately available to our system. [...]


Montag, 8. September 2008

Position aus Foto bestimmen

IM2GPS: estimating geographic information from a single image

Mittwoch, 20. August 2008

Indoor Localization mit Handykameras

Eine aktuelle Arbeit zur Indoor Localization mit Handykameras, vielleicht in gewissem Rahmen auf Landmarks "draußen" übertragbar:
Positioning and Orientation in Indoor Environments Using Camera Phones

Landmarken automatisch

Das Siggraph-08-Paper zu Tourist Maps befasst sich damit, Landmarken maschinell zu erkennen (Vorkommen im Web; auffällige Form oder Farbe). Daraus werden dann vereinfachte Landkarten gebaut.

Designing games with a purpose

Luis van Ahn (quasi der Erfinder der human computation) hat nen Artikel "Designing games with a purpose" in der aktuellen Ausgabe von CACM: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1378704.1378719